Monday, October 6, 2008

Watch Closely as the Real McCain Surfaces

Slipping in the polls and less than 30 days to turn it around, John McCain is beginning to show his true character.

He is angry, and he is desperate. Instead of focusing on the huge, real issues that face this country, he is trying to whip up fear and paranoia among undecided voters by smearing his opponent, basically accusing Obama of being a closet Muslim terrorist.

His tone is reminiscent of a scene from "The Wizard of Oz", where he is shouting, "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZZZzzzzzzz...".

Nope. Just a very ordinary politician who is diving into the gutter out of desperation.

Is this the character of a man who should sit in the White House?

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