Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Victim's Lament

My wife and I have been initiated into the crime victim's club.

Someone stole the "Yes on Proposition 8" sign from our front lawn.

Apparently there is some organization to this "crime wave" in our city. Not only are signs disappearing from lawns, but someone spray painted "Prop H8te" on the big signs in front of the Union Bank building. Five people were arrested yesterday under suspicion of stealing Prop 8 signs and committing associated vandalism. Police caught them with the evidence in their vehicles--destroyed Prop 8 signs.

It seems likely to me that these people consider themselves heroes for their cause which, apparently, is the defeat of Proposition 8. Noble freedom fighters for justice, no doubt, bravely willing to risk jail for their beliefs. High-fiving each other after every theft.

I wonder if they know how many crimes they actually committed in their tantrum of personal expression?

Our sign was in the center of our lawn, well back from any walkway. They had to enter our property without our permission to take the sign, which is Trespassing. The fact that they took the sign means they entered our property with the intent to commit a crime, which is Criminal Trespass. Then there's the actual stealing of the sign (our personal property), which is Theft. Oh, and the violation of our constitutionally protected civil right to freedom of speech. That's a Federal offense, and a felony.

Freedom fighters? Heroes? I think not. If they had any guts they would let the whole world see them take the sign. Instead, they sneak in and steal, hiding their identities like the cowards they really are. They have chosen to wear the mask of the criminal.

I obviously don't care about the financial value of the sign, and people walk on my lawn every day, I suppose. But violate my constitutional right to freedom of speech and I care a whole lot about that.

I don't know if they'll ever be caught. But I do know I have lots more "Yes on Proposition 8" signs. Oh, and next time...I hope they smile for the new cameras.

1 comment:

Lanna said...

If I had a sign, I'd put it up in my front yard, too, even though I'm now 2800 miles away and no longer a California voter. Go 8!!