Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wind in My Hair and Bugs in My Teeth

If the ACLU wants my vote for a "personal liberty" cause, I wonder if they could get the government off my back about seat belts and motorcycle helmets. I'm a big fan of "that government is best which governs least". If I'm a competent, licensed adult with medical insurance who wants to fly down the road on a motorcycle with the wind in my hair and the bugs in my teeth, why should that be any of the government's business? Who, other than myself, am I hurting by engaging in such reckless daredevilry? How far should the government be allowed to go to protect me from myself? Ditto seat belts. Yes, I know the statistics. Yes, I'm generally responsible. Still, the government's reach into my personal life this way irritates something primal inside me.

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