Saturday, August 9, 2008

Name Those Bikes!

Here is Lola, all strapped up and ready to carry us to the next exciting bike trail:

(No, the purple bike is Kathleen's, NOT mine.)

Today has been full of cycling mileposts. New shoes and speedometer for Kathleen, and a scouting trip the to the Santa Ana River Bed trail access sites (found one at Lincoln and Batavia). The evening found us at Craig Regional Park doing a quick five miles over moderately hilly terrain in 35 minutes.

We've had no trouble naming important things in our lives: kids, cars, pets, body parts, etc., but we're looking for some help naming our bikes! If you're feeling creative, turn your brain on and suggest the two best names for our bikes. Submit the winning entry and you'll win dinner for two at your favorite restaurant! You can make your submission by leaving a comment on this post. Pass the word :-D


Ben Bushman said...

How about Lance for your bike?

Michael Rowland said...

If you post an entry for only one bike, you may win dinner for only one person. :-)

Lanna said...

I named my mission bike Griolga. Gri for its green color and the fact I was a greenie when I got it and Olga for my first area: Villa Olga. I'll have to give your bike names some thought and get back to you.