Friday, December 12, 2008


From our friends at

Many of the gentile persuasion in the Salt Lake City area have taken to calling members of the Church, "MOs."

Well, the truth is that being called a MO isn't so bad. While it's not exactly a term of endearment, MO beats some of the other things I've been called--lots of them by fellow MOs. To ease the tension, between MOs and gentiles, I've come up with a brief MO Lexicon. Practice these terms, learn to be comfortable with your MO self.

MO - Mormon
NO MO - Non-Mormon
MO NO MO - Apostate
MO TOWN - Provo
MO PEDS - People walking across the street to Temple Square or the MTC in Provo.
MO HAIR - Missionary standards haircut.
PO MO - A financially challenged Mormon
MO LASSES - Mormon Babes!!
MO TEL - Bishop's interview, tithing settlement.
SU MO - Grad of BYU Law School
MO GUL - Large white Utah bird frequently seen in Church history books, parking lots and dumps.
MO RALLY - Third quarter BYU drive against the U of U.
MO SEY - LDS sense of time.
MO NOGAMY - LDS marriage practice.
MO TIF - Two or more Mormons engaged in a heated difference of opinion.
MO LDIE - Older LDS member, temple worker, etc.
MO MO - Missourian Mormon
MO TION - What LDS do to coffee, tea, tobacco and alcoholic drinks
MO DERN - a western LDS cuss word - softer than "fetch"
MO DULATE - how outsiders refer to "Mormon Standard Time"
MO DULE - since killing isn't allowed, it usually amounts to scripture chase
MO HAWK - political faction opposed to the MO DOVES
NO MO MO MO - What Governer Boggs tried to achieve.
MO LDS - What we get when we do our missionary work
MO LAR - One who doesn't do his hometeaching, but says he does.
MO NARCH - A Mormon DEA Agent.
MO NOTONY - The Ward choir.
MO NOLINGUAL - First week in the MTC


Lanna said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that picture!

Michael Rowland said...

Know where I found it?

Looking in Webster's for the defenition of "irony".