Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Senatorial Power Under Obama

Many of my Republican friends are using the word, "fear", to describe their reaction to Obama's victory. It seems many of them fear that a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House will claim a broad mandate and drag the country abruptly to the left.

I'm reading a LOT of smart people in the financial and journalism areas and not seeing much of anyone who believes that will happen. None of the investment house forecasts I've read sees radical tax reform happening quickly, but possibly in a second Obama term. Howard Dean, the DNC Chair, told Chris Matthews he would welcome the placement of Republicans in positions within the Obama administration. (I dearly hope for that.)

But, my GOP friends, consider this: The Democrats did not win a filibuster-smothering 60 seats in the Senate. That means they will have to reach across the isle and persuade SOME Republicans to go along on certain issues. Those Republicans will most likely be moderates, and THEY are the ones who will be in the power chairs when it comes to getting things done in the Senate.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I'm more worried about his creepy cult of personality. I will support him as my president though.