Friday, November 14, 2008

Gay Vigilantes

You want to know what some one's character is truly like? Do one of two things:

1) Observe them when they think they are utterly alone.
2) Observe them when they are under a ton of stress.

Seems to be a lot of stress in the "gay" community today, because some people are showing their true character. They are angry and they are not gonna take it any more. They're not angry enough to kill anybody (at least not yet), but they are effectively lynching the businesses owned by Yes on 8 donors. This is not a broadcast protest--this is targeted, individual vengeance to take away some one's livelihood. It is a direct, personal attack on people who committed the heinous crime of exercising their constitutional rights to participate legally in the political process. What happened to the "Love, Tolerance, Compassion" mantra of the gay community? Why are prominent gay leaders not condemning these personal, individual attacks?

It doesn't stop there. Some person or persons sent envelopes full of white powder to two temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

That is NOT political freedom of speech--THAT IS TERRORISM.

I think it is interesting that The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center issued a statement almost immediately after the news broke:

"While the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center organized a peaceful demonstration against the involvement of the leadership of the Mormon Church in the deceitful Yes on Prop. 8 campaign, we decry the use or threat of violence. Just as the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community seeks the right to be treated equally under the law, all Americans should have the right to live lives free from fear and violence," the statement said.

Well, well.

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