Tuesday, November 11, 2008

100 Gay Legal Scholars Confer

The following reported in TIME magazine:

"In a teleconference last week among more than 100 gay legal scholars and others who support gay marriage, the mood was dour. "This has cast a pall" over what had otherwise been a historic election on Nov. 4, said D'Arcy Kemnitz, executive director of the National Lesbian Gay Law Association. Longtime gay rights advocate Dean Trantalis of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and others on the conference call expressed concern that the gay rights movement had become too focused on marriage, and is now paying the price in other more critical areas. "Marriage was never our issue," Trantalis said. "It was thrust upon us by the other side, and they've done a very good job of beating us up over it."


Lanna said...

If marriage wasn't their issue, then what was it and why are they making a big stink about marriage?

Michael Rowland said...

In my opinion, a few of reasons:

1) Sometimes hearts rule when heads would be more effective. The leaders of the "gay marriage" movement are a step behind their opponents in strategic and tactical thinking.

2) The "gay marriage" movement is not very well organized or unified. I see more auto-criticism along this line in the election aftermath as some Prop 8 opponents finally move past their emotional stake and into some more disciplined introspection. The mobs of protesters are doing exactly what the No on Prop 8 leadership asked them not to do, and repeatedly shooting their own cause in the foot thereby.

3) They did not understand, and therefore underestimated, the depth of the Yes on 8 team's unity of purpose and organizational skills. We were able to get the measure on the ballot with relative ease, and I think that surprised them. That defined the arena and the rules in way that disadvantaged them. After the opening bell, we really put an impressive number of bucks in the bank and feet on the street at the grass roots level. They could not martial competitive resources.

4) They are relying heavily on Sacramento politicians to pull their bacon out of the fire. The problem with that strategy is that politicians are cowardly and calculating. The Governator waited until after the election to really take a position, and is putting all the onus on the courts now. Pols have already begun the two-year two-step as the race for Arnie's job begins now. I ask you: what politician who is up for re-election will take a big, public stand contrary to the expressed will of the majority of voters? Only one who is politically suicidal. Never met one of that breed yet, and I expect I never will. Arnie and Feinstein want to swap jobs, and they will do whatever it takes to stay in power. If I were part of the "gay marriage" movement, I wouldn't trust either of them as far as I could throw them.

Just some thoughts.

Lanna said...

Interesting. I don't get much of the Cali news in NoVa. Your arguments and logic are insightful and well-stated. :) Thanks for sharing.