Monday, September 1, 2008

Love 'Em or Hate 'Em, the GOP Had a Very Bad Day

First, Gustav sucks news coverage away from the GOP Convention opening like a tsunami uncovers the shallows before flooding everything in sight. Then Palin announces a 17 year-old pregnant daughter and a criminal investigation into possible abuse of her Governor's office in Alaska. McCain's people are swarming to the Last Frontier frantically trying to find out what else they should have known before pulling the trigger with Palin. Even GOP stalwarts are publicly fretting about McCain's critical thinking processes and questioning the soundness of his judgment.

Obama gallantly pronounces Palin's family "off limits" for his attack dogs.

No question about who won today's round.

P.S. The Big Easy may have dodged a bullet today, but please don't spend any more of my tax dollars rebuilding that place. Mother Nature is cruel, patient, and in this case, predictable.

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